December 27, 2009
What a difference a year makes. Last year Liberals were happy because Barack Obama would become the next President. His numbers were soaring in the polls and rather or not you voted for him the country was united around the new President.
One Year Later Obama's poll numbers are very dismal in fact no other President in recent history had poll numbers that fell like his numbers did as quickly.
Health Care Reform is not very popular in this Country. People are afraid of big government interferring with their freedoms.
PUMAs didn't trust BHO because of his ability to promise everything to everyone and because of the dirty tricks he and his campaign played on Hillary. Most PUMAs saw him as inexperienced and afraid to make a political risky move. You can't please everyone if you try you end up pleasing no one.
This Health care plan is a disaster there is no public option or single payer system that the Liberals wanted. Both the House and the Senate have abortion provisions in them that are unpopular with women. This plan leaves out several million people including those that make to much for Medicade and to little to buy insurrance even with tax credits. The Majority of Americans are against this bill and yet the house and senate voted for it.
The American people are not going to forget that it was the Democrats who passed this unpopular bill and next year they will be voted out.
Barack Obama who is no where near as popular as he was last year is looking at very dismall polls. Yes the Clinton's were able to turn things around Bill Clinton ran on more then just Health Care Reform. He also ran on NAFTA which turned things around and Welfare Reform which kept him in the White House.
Obama can't seem to think about what to do and the man takes far to many vacations and even when he is at the White House I can't see what he is doing there. He did not lead the Democrats in the Health Care Reform fight. He did not reach out to the Republicans although Oplympia Snowe wanted to work with the Democrats and did everything in her power to negotiate but instead she refused to vote for this disaster.
The Dems are likely going to lose both the house and senate or a lot of seats. I think the Republicans are in good shape to retake both chambers of congress.
The good thing for Hillary supporters is that she is unlikely to get burned by the Democrats bad behavior. She is showing the Republicans that she is a HAWK not the dove they think she is. She doesn't have a health care vote to worry about and she has the benefit of being the first one to warn us about Obama.
Obama is in for a long ride and if he wants to try to win again then he needs to figure out a position on issues are he is not going to win reelection and if his poll numbers remain this bad it is unlikely he will run in 2012.
The Democrats have one choice in 2012 and that is to elect Hillary as their nominiee and then we Hillary supporters will have our President.