I suggest Harry Reid go back and read his history book especially the Constitution. Its a very interesting document that says American Citizens have the right to protest their government. HUMMM I guess both parties forgot that.
I suggest Harry Reid go back and read his history book especially the Constitution. Its a very interesting document that says American Citizens have the right to protest their government. HUMMM I guess both parties forgot that.
It also says you have a be a natural born citizen - TWO U. S. citizen parents - to be president.
If Obama had only been vetted, we'd have our girl Hill. It's still a possibility!
As for Stinky Reed, he obviously doesn't know the definition of "democratic."
Barack/Barry: If you're NOT LEGIT, then you MUST QUIT!!
What else can be said - Reid is an absolute moron. So now people are evil because they have the nerve to stand up against something they don't believe in. WTF is wrong with our country and when are we going to get rid of these bozos?
"Evil-mongers"??? That word doesn't even make any sense, leave it to Hairy Reed to brag that making up an idiotic word is one of the highlights of his career.
It's like Alex said, he jumped on the Zero bandwagon even after he was presented with a much better alternative in Hillary Clinton. So he thinks Zero was born in Hawaii because of some stupid internet document, guess that's better than having to admit he either lied himself and/or helped a liar. I've seen polls that show that he's behind a generic opponent next year - telling. If there's some republican OR democrat in the state on the board, thinking about jumping on that - he's going down.