Obama tried to push Healthcare through quickly before the American people got a chance to read it and the date this would have started was in 2013 after he's out of the White House. Frankly anytime a politican does this sneaky stuff like making it go into effect after your out of office means your afraid it might bite you in the butt. How long are both parties going to continue to treat the American people like they aren't idiots.
Obama tried to push Healthcare through quickly before the American people got a chance to read it and the date this would have started was in 2013 after he's out of the White House. Frankly anytime a politican does this sneaky stuff like making it go into effect after your out of office means your afraid it might bite you in the butt. How long are both parties going to continue to treat the American people like they aren't idiots.
I don't think O-ineligible CARES what he pushes or gets passed, as long as he and his greedy, immoral backers get to bleed the Treasury dry before he gets kicked to the curb!
And the American people are getting madder and madder. And let me tell you something. When the Dems got mad at Bush, they were milquetoasts compared to what the Republicans are like now. I can tell you, but you already know - THEY'RE ENRAGED!! And they won't be timid in doing something about it. And I'll be right next to them!
Barack/Barry: If you're NOT LEGIT, then you MUST QUIT!!