This is a Hillary site but Hillary is only a person and not a God nor is she qualified for everything. Hillary is qualified to be SOS and she is qualified to be POTUS. She is qualifed to be a US Senator but she is not qualified to be SCOTUS nor is she qualified to be say head firewoman or even be a supervisor in my field. This doesn't mean that we don't love and admire Hillary when we say she isn't qualified. If you are looking for a Hillary fan site please look elsewhere. This site is interested in making Hillary POTUS a postion that she is qualified for. Why would anyone want her to be Jesus or God or perfect. Everyone did that to Obama and look at his approval ratings now. We are not Hillbots we are Hillary supporters. Any thread that portrays Hillary as perfect or experienced for any position that she is not qualified for will be removed. I am sick to death of Hillary worship. She isn't perfect. The thing she doesn't want to be perfect and she knows she isn't qualified for SCOTUS.