The last time a Democrat sat in the White House, he faced a nonstop witch hunt by his political opponents. Prominent figures on the right accused Bill and Hillary Clinton of everything from drug smuggling to murder. And once Republicans took control of Congress, they subjected the Clinton administration to unrelenting harassment — at one point taking 140 hours of sworn testimony over accusations that the White House had misused its Christmas card list.

Now it’s happening again — except that this time it’s even worse.

Continues @


Paul, Yes, there is a LOT of witch-hunt from the likes of Limbaugh.  And, quite a bit of namecalling as well that may be inappropriate.

That said, Paul, it is far more than witch hunt from the GOP side. I'd bet that it is happening even within the DNP. It is Karma... well earned in 2008, and firmly cemented on Saturday May 31, 2008.  People have eyes and ears, Paul.  They know when someone did mega wrong and once their trust is broken, it is difficult to restore that.  Then on, everything is a bit suspect, and gets viewed through the colored lense, and that is very natural human response.

And, please dont become an ordinary politician that "we Dems have to hang together in this hour of need" -- that woudl be like the caller who asked for donation from Hillary supporters the day after she was coerced out of her run to the WH.  Insensitive, to say the least.

Hillary is much MUCH bigger than us, her followers. Yes, she forgives and she works hard. She is loyal to the country and does a phenomenal job.  I along with many (Dem-leaning) centrist voters want to see Hillary on top of the ticket for 2012 ballot. I hope it happens. If not, yes, we do not have the best of memories of 2008 with which to judge the current POTUS.  Dont blame us! We have knocked on every RBC members' and every delegates door/phone at the appropriate time.  And, we remember it all too well how DNP is now unDNP.  Time to correct the wrong, Paul!