House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is one of the most despised political figures in the country.
And, frankly, she doesn’t give a damn.
“No, I don’t care,” Pelosi told POLITICO last Thursday, laughing heartily as she walked beneath the Capitol dome and plunged into a crowd of tourists.
Last week’s Public Strategies Inc./POLITICO poll brought grim news for Pelosi, revealing that only a quarter of Americans trust the San Francisco Democrat — putting her in the basement with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio).
She has her own "agenda". And, for once did speak the truth by uttering “No, I don’t care" . . . she reallydoes not care, unless it suits her and/or her cronies own agenda, which are NOT in the best interest of the public that they serve.
The link doesn't work for me. Just wondering if others are having a prob with this.
I agree with everyone - Pelosi didn't have to tell US she doesn't care. We already knew she didn't care about America. IMO she cares about her own power. She cares about Obama. If it came down to which do you love more, Nancy, your power or BO - we'd see Bo's little fraudulent hiney under the bus in a heart beat.
It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less. ~Susan B. Anthony
Pelosi is a moron of epic proportions exceeded only by her frickin' "leader" that embarasses our country on a daily basis and thinks he can invite people to the White House for a beer and that makes it all better. Let us all hope and pray this country wakes up prior to 2012!!