This is a good article. Barry is making us look weak but also foolish. The GOP will win seats next year and I believe after the Health care plan they will take over control of the house and the Senate. Barry has apologized to our enemies and been mean to our friends. Its going to come back and bite him in the butt.
Somehow we need to get across to these folks that we are their bosses. We put them there and we damn sure can take them out of there.
DITTO THAT HMG! 2012 they will all be eating crow and they won't be laughing anymore. I truly believe there is a very valuable lesson that the DEMS are going to be learning this next election and it will be no ones fault but their own. We must remain UNITED to continue to put our COUNTRY first.
Hoping with all the Tea Party people we can reverse union and ACORN volunteers. We're going to have to work harder than ever before. Got to put these people out of business.
We have to win, or our country is lost. It will take a lot to watch over elections and who is running against who, but we can do it.
The Country is always better when there is that balance of power that way we don't get stuck with unpopular bills like this health care disaster and Leave No Child Behind.