I didn't see Sarah on Fox News, but I have read her book. She is a lot more conservative than she made herself out to be during the 08 campaign. This woman is not a moderate like McCain. Right now, she's aiming her message at the conservative base, which means there's no place for PUMAs at the table.
There are some good people supporting her, but the majority of them seem to be the same kinds of wingnuts who tried to destroy the Clintons back in the 1990s. The way I see it, it's best for them to go their own way and for us to go ours. Sure, we all got along pretty well from Aug-Nov 08, but that's over and done with. The Republicans are useful in knocking 0 off his pedestal, but that's it. I just can't stand their sexism, their homophobia, and their utter lack of compassion (let alone useful solutions) for the poor people of this country.
The bottom line is Palin needs to learn more about policy than TALKING POINTS. This was, is and will always be Hillary's strength. She does the homework.
As far as her being in the Obama administration as SOS, I confess I was really ticked off at her for it until I saw this..
You can just see not only the joy, but utter relief of those that work in the State Department that they knew they finally had a COMPETANT leader.
(btw, think you can pick out who her Secret Service protector is? LOL)
-- Edited by VotedHillary on Wednesday 13th of January 2010 12:07:58 AM
LOL. That's great clip to see. Yes, I recall the day very well, and recall looking at cutting and pasting a lot of pictures. LOL.
Yes, the State Dept gave her a standing ovation.. from their standing positions, they grew an inch to a foot taller.. She motivated them from the steps of the lobby.
She is the best leader they have seen. The best motivator in a very long time.
Our country would have been in deep doo-doo without Hillary in the State department.
On secret service... LOL... which one of them?? LOL
Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010 Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010
The biggest problem is that the moderates of this country are being abused by both parties...our votes no longer count for furthering progress, but to stop ill-advised legislation and candidates.
this country needs desperately a moderate party...one that is socially liberal, but fiscally and defensively conservative.
You know, one that actually reflects the majority of this country....and the Blue Dog Dems sure let us all down.
Jen the Michigander wrote:I didn't see Sarah on Fox News, but I have read her book. She is a lot more conservative than she made herself out to be during the 08 campaign. This woman is not a moderate like McCain. Right now, she's aiming her message at the conservative base, which means there's no place for PUMAs at the table.
There are some good people supporting her, but the majority of them seem to be the same kinds of wingnuts who tried to destroy the Clintons back in the 1990s. The way I see it, it's best for them to go their own way and for us to go ours. Sure, we all got along pretty well from Aug-Nov 08, but that's over and done with. The Republicans are useful in knocking 0 off his pedestal, but that's it. I just can't stand their sexism, their homophobia, and their utter lack of compassion (let alone useful solutions) for the poor people of this country.
Yes, I agree. That came through very clearly in her book. She is ultra conservative.. and so is her base. And that may be one of the reasons by they think of Hillary as an extreme left.. and they do not see that Hillary is a moderate.
Yes, Jen, I am getting there, slowly but sure.. I am still looking at Sarah to see if there is true leadership... true ability to articulate her positions and policies.. true ability to show... shall we say, the difference between North Korea and South Korea without saying "Of course I know they are different" - the more I hear that statement the less I am likely to believe it. In fact, I thought Oreilly was soft-peddling in not asking a follow up challenge question.
I dont know if Republicans think that sexism does not exist.. or that sexism is part of what women ought to live with. I also did not like the way Ann Coulter turned to Al Sharpton and said "Stop it" in the middle of his speaking; and then, she repeatedly cut him off when he spoke while he gave her time to finish her words. It's worth taking that clip and looking at it closely. My respect for Sharpton grew a bit today. That is a real change for sure.
Yes, Jen, I have tried to communicate the need for health care reform; and the strengths and weaknesses of the Bills on the table in a couple of places. There is zero engagement in Republican circles. There is total lack of appreciation for the true need for health care coverage for people without appreciable income... If there is so little enthusiasm for discussion how can we ever generate any options? How can we get from 0 to 1 let alone 10 in discussing what may or may not work for the country. We will only be stuck with mandates that take cost from 0% (not buying insurance) to 17% with questionable subsidies and penalties if you do not get insurance. That is not reform; that is siding with the seller of a scheme. On top of that, today, I read that Pelosi is pointing out that the Senate version of the bill does not negate the existing anti-trust exemption for Insurance. Why in the world do they have that exemption? What is so special about insurance companies that they are actually allowed PRICE-FIXING on us, when in fact, we should be doing the opposite and allowing cross-border competition?
I am not convinced that Republicans cannot speak up in cohesion against policies on the table in a manner that will actually educate the electorate... rather than simply bashing the actions of the Democrats. Now, why would they not do that? Is that self-interest? Are they trying to "save a platform" for their next run? How stupid is that? There is plenty of work to do in this world than to hoard a platform!
-- Edited by Sanders on Wednesday 13th of January 2010 12:27:10 AM
Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010 Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010
The biggest problem is that the moderates of this country are being abused by both parties...our votes no longer count for furthering progress, but to stop ill-advised legislation and candidates.
this country needs desperately a moderate party...one that is socially liberal, but fiscally and defensively conservative.
You know, one that actually reflects the majority of this country....and the Blue Dog Dems sure let us all down.
Gosh, I agree 100%. Never thought I'd use "Stamp" but it is one for the occasion.
I do not mind if the Blue Dogs split off from the DNP and made themselves and some of the more moderate Repubs into a separate third party.
Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010 Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010
I didn't see Sarah on Fox News, but I have read her book. She is a lot more conservative than she made herself out to be during the 08 campaign. This woman is not a moderate like McCain. Right now, she's aiming her message at the conservative base, which means there's no place for PUMAs at the table.
There are some good people supporting her, but the majority of them seem to be the same kinds of wingnuts who tried to destroy the Clintons back in the 1990s. The way I see it, it's best for them to go their own way and for us to go ours. Sure, we all got along pretty well from Aug-Nov 08, but that's over and done with. The Republicans are useful in knocking 0 off his pedestal, but that's it. I just can't stand their sexism, their homophobia, and their utter lack of compassion (let alone useful solutions) for the poor people of this country.
I have to disagree with you on a few things like people who support Palin are wingnuts. I wish we would refer to the wing nuts as either left wing or right wing. the Republicans also include Optixmom who is not a wingnut she is actually slightly to the left of me. As far as homophobia, sexism, and utter lack of compassion I would have to say the Democrats are just as bad. As for Republicans lack of useful solutions for the poor people they have some very good solutions and ones which work well. What they need to do is work with the other party for a balance they both need to do that. I think most of us are conditioned to think that Democrats care but at one time they were the party of the rich. I am not defending the Republicans I just don't like to see all Conservatives or Republicans or Liberals and Democrats lumped together. I am right wing lol. I like a lot of programs that liberals like and I like the programs the Conservatives like. I just wish the two parties would work together and keep what works and get rid of what doesn't work. I am afraid poor people get thrown under the bus by both parties.
HMG, We have to start identifying ourselves as socially liberal fiscally conservative or other way.. rather than right wing/left wing. Yes, I agree wingnut becomes difficult to sort out, lol.
I am socially moderate, fiscally conservative. Very Hillary Clinton Dem, Reagan Democrat. But I am a true Independent. i.e., no affiliation, but registered and active voter. I look for leadership qualities and strength of character in the individuals on the ballot.
-- Edited by Sanders on Wednesday 13th of January 2010 09:14:54 AM
Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010 Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010
I try to always think of the positive in terms of choices that Hillary has made since she was forced out of the Primary. As SOS she isn't part of this Healthcare Fiasco, Cap and Trade crap, and she can oversee and keep us moving in a positive direction internationally. Can you imagine if Biden was left alone to drive Foreign Policy with some weak persona in the State Department? He would probably address all Indian and Pakastani diplomats as future supporters of 7-11's and Dunkin' Donuts.
I hated the SOS gig at first for her, but now am so grateful that she is there.
As for Palin, I better not hear any rantings like Ann Coulter now that she is on Fox. I heard that she is going to be in charge of segments honoring courageous Americans and I think that will suit her. I don't watch O'Reilly but I don't believe he has been belitting Hillary, just Hannity (which doesn't surprise me a bit). I keep some tabs on Glen Beck and enjoy the segments when he has open dialog with Conservative African-Americans, but for the most part I think he is as sexist as many many of the male media types.
As for 2012 that is a lifetime away. Many things can happen before then. Sarah Palin will have to make it in the Pub Primaries vs. whatever men are in line. I don't agree 100% of either Palin or Clinton's policies, but I do want the next President to be a woman regardless if they are Dem or Pub.
I agree with you Optix about not agreeing 100% with Palin and Hillary. I just think its going to be Hillary that breaks that glass ceiling.
Yep.. and I agree with Hillary by far more on many things than i do with Sarah, and I think she has a much greater chance of breaking the glass ceiling.
After 2008, I am loathe to investing another year into someone who has low chances. Sarah so far I see as having low chances. Of course, there are other issues I see there which contribute to that low chances thing..
In 2012, I would really like to have someone with solid experience going into that office. While it would be fantastic if that is a woman, US and the world is a royal freaking mess and it is going to take some solid leadership and ability to withstand hard winds and harsh critics with fortitude for the next president to get the job done. I do not see many like Hillary out there.
I would have to take a closer look at the male candidates, but am not liking Romney so far.
Any sexist candidate will be automatically ruled out.
-- Edited by Sanders on Wednesday 13th of January 2010 10:15:46 AM
Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010 Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010
"I'm just tired of the sexist bashing, against hillary, against Sarah. Just very very tired of it all. :("
SSmith, I totally agree. Sick. Tired. And, Mad as hell.
But, what makes me even angrier than the actual sexist bashing, is the fact that it is so acceptable by the public to bash someone based on gender. Racism would not be tolerated on any decent forum, in any public arena, in any media broadcast, print, whatever. Nor, should it be tolerated. But, in the 21st century sexism and misogyny are still socially, ethically, and morally acceptable!? WTF!
We have to fight sexism at every turn - regardless of the target - whether Pelosi, Palin, even that nasty MoDo. The fact that sexism is acceptable by most of the country is the problem.
It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less. ~Susan B. Anthony
"I'm just tired of the sexist bashing, against hillary, against Sarah. Just very very tired of it all. :("
SSmith, I totally agree. Sick. Tired. And, Mad as hell.
But, what makes me even angrier than the actual sexist bashing, is the fact that it is so acceptable by the public to bash someone based on gender. Racism would not be tolerated on any decent forum, in any public arena, in any media broadcast, print, whatever. Nor, should it be tolerated. But, in the 21st century sexism and misogyny are still socially, ethically, and morally acceptable!? WTF!
We have to fight sexism at every turn - regardless of the target - whether Pelosi, Palin, even that nasty MoDo. The fact that sexism is acceptable by most of the country is the problem.
I compare Hillary's run for the White House with Jesse Jackson. In 1988 Jackson was hit with so much racism and even with massive assignation attempts that it actually frightened African American men and their wives to the point that no one with a serious chance of running decided to run. African Americans changed that by making sure that EVERY single racist statement got called out. It became more and more unacceptable. Black Conservatives began giving Republicans their vote which made them leary of insulting African Americans like they did in 88. The Pubs did not play the race card against Jackson it was Democrats who were guilty of that sound familiar? This is what women need to do.
Yes, it does sound familiar HMG. In fact, I distinctly recall Jesse Jackson interviews in which he raised awareness of African Americans to get more involved in the political process, in media, communication and policy making at every possible place.. It was an interview from those days. Women need to do that at this stage.
Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010 Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010
I didn't see Sarah on Fox News, but I have read her book. She is a lot more conservative than she made herself out to be during the 08 campaign. This woman is not a moderate like McCain. Right now, she's aiming her message at the conservative base, which means there's no place for PUMAs at the table.
There are some good people supporting her, but the majority of them seem to be the same kinds of wingnuts who tried to destroy the Clintons back in the 1990s. The way I see it, it's best for them to go their own way and for us to go ours. Sure, we all got along pretty well from Aug-Nov 08, but that's over and done with. The Republicans are useful in knocking 0 off his pedestal, but that's it. I just can't stand their sexism, their homophobia, and their utter lack of compassion (let alone useful solutions) for the poor people of this country.
Jen, I agree with this. I identify with the views of Hillary. Some of the issues are make or break for me, in terms of supporting a candidate. I absolutely could not and would not support a candidate who sought to actively limit reproductive rights, gay rights, women's rights. I want religion and state kept totally separate. I do want some entitlement programs. All of these issues are those I used to think were important to the dem. party - until 2008. The Dems let us down and betrayed the principles they have claimed to stand for (whether accurately or not) in the past.
VH is spot on in my opinion regarding a moderate party. Many of us are not represented by either party. But, for now, while I want to avoid using the Repub ideals vs Dem ideals model, the truth is the ideals that the Republican party has historically claimed: No reproductive rights, No gay rights, School Prayer, no government involvement (except when it comes to your uterus or your bedroom) to name a few are the polar opposite of the views I hold. I'm not voting for anyone who actively pushes an agenda that includes these ideals no matter what the gender of the candidate. If that means not supporting Palin, so be it. If she wants to reach out to the millions of moderate women in the country, she has a perfect opportunity to do so. So far, I have not seen much evidence of this. Maybe this will come in the future.
Obviously we have to do what we believe best, and while nothing would make me happier than having a woman president - it can't be just any woman.
It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less. ~Susan B. Anthony
Yes, I would agree.. Sarah Palin has had plenty of opportunities to reach out to moderates, moderate women in particular, and has not done that.
I am a moderate. I am for choice, for gay rights, no prayers in school, and government out of our lives - bedroom and all, more privacy to people. I do support some entitlement programs and would like to see the correct type of health care reform passed so that the poorer people can get coverage but not at the (atrocious) levels of cost that the Senate bill seems to offer.
I support both humanitarian and military initiatives to keep peace in the world, but it is seriously time for the US to say UN HQ belongs outside of the US. US has become the bad cop of the world with no chance of ever becoming the good cop; getting UN out of US may be the one way to not be constantly in the drivers' seat.
Yes, I want to see a real leader who will embrace a balanced set of planks, not far right, not far left.
VH is absolutely correct. There is serious need for moderates to come together as a party.
Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010 Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010
I have not read all the replies. I expect to be banned now. This thread is just one too much for me. I am going to speak how I feel.
I worked hard for Hillary. I got death threats for my hard work. I had to put an obama sign in my car to stop vandalism.
I trusted her word. To me she was the epitome of honesty and integrity and concern for this country. She spoke truthfully about what obama was, stood for, the sleeze, the lying, ect. She told the country the truth about him. She was bashed bad for that.
She told us never to give up, to keep giving money and fighting. Because she promised she would never quit. She promised she would go all the way. I trusted her so I worked my ass off, lost friends, lost sites I had been long time member of, because I trusted her promise. She told the truth about obama.
Then she quit. She made back room deal. She did not keep her promise. I paid dearly for her quitting. But I could accept that. But she took a job under that fraud. She went over to the side of the man she knew was dangerous and cheater. She sold her integrity. I lost all respect for her when she did that. How could I still trust her when she flip flops over to work for the very nest of thieves she condemned?
Then there is Sarah Palin. Sarah won my respect. Sarah pissed people off with her ultra conservative beliefs. But she never, not once, apologized for her beliefs. She kept her integrity. She did not sell out her beliefs and integrity to stay in the game. I respect that.
I changed my registration to republican initially as a protest. But the more these dems have done, the more I became that conservative. I am now a full out conservative republican because these democrats made me into one. Hillary tossed her integrity out for what?
If they ran an election tomorrow, Hillary against Sarah, Sarah would get my full support. I will never vote for Hillary again. It is personal for me. She either believed what she said, or it was all blowing smoke. Taking a job with crooks and socialists she claimed so bad,,,never again. Her integrity had a price. Sarah kept hers.
I wish you all the best.
eta - Sarah Palin has not given any indication that she wants to step back into politics. People assume a lot.
-- Edited by shadow on Wednesday 13th of January 2010 09:11:59 PM
On 5/31, she LOST the battle, when the DNC awarded Florida and Michigan the way they sorted it.
That is when she gave that speech in DC.
We even did pen drive for her to get delegates to support her. It was no longer winnable once DNC awarded Florida and Michigan to Obama. The delegates shifted en masse.
So, Hillary had really no chance in Denver. This is the bitter truth.
Once that happened, she stood with Obama. And, that is for the sake of the country. I think our country would be in dire straight without Hillary in the SOS seat.
I for one thank God every day that she is in the place she is. Otherwise, we would be in serious trouble. I think Hillary is doing a fine job as a citizen. She is in a much better place with her skills and talent than she would have been in the Senate as a democrat. If she was in the Senate, her hand would have been forced to vote for the mess that this administration is creating. Instead she is able to bring her strengths and talent to the best of the world. For this I am very grateful. She constantly impresses me with her energy and drive. Having travelled internationally for work many times, I know just how difficult it is to be in the plane, come down and start work right away. She is remarkable.. She is returning from NZ and has already dived into work on the matter of Haiti.
I am a true moderate - liberals call me conservative; conservatives call me liberal.. I am socially moderate, fiscally conservative. There are many things about Sarah Palin I like, but I find her way too conservative on the social scale - a bit too much at times.. and I am still assessing her strengths to see if they balance off against that undesirable factor for me personally. So, I am still assessing her.
The issue here that I am struggling with in this thread is that I am disappointed in groups that support Sarah Palin because they keep bashing Hillary. I am particularly disappointed when Hillary supporters bash Hillary -- so, yes, I am surprised and disappointed when I read comments like yours, but the angst is when that turns into hatred and leads person to lash out and hurl tags at Hillary that they may have hurled at candidate Obama before.
Realize the place she was in. "All the way" is what she did go. There was no further to go. Not in the place she was. Never forget that.
As to Sarah Palin, I am still assessing her. The Oval office takes remarkable smarts and great stick-to-it-ness and fortitude to get anything accomplished... as you are constantly dealing with both sides of the (political) house of both Houses of the Congress. It is Alaska times 50,000 and not Alaska times 50. So, the person needs to be incredibly smart to get there.
It will take the Repub primaries and then the battle vs. Dem candidate for one to win. And, as we have seen in 2009, it takes a heck of a lot more to perform in that Oval office. So we better choose well.
I for one will not vote for one just because that is a female. I did not do that with Hillary. I will campaign and vote for whoever is the best on the entire ballot. I hope there are great candidates. If needed I will sign up on the Repub or on the Dem side to be able to vote in the primaries.. but for now, I intend to stay Independent.
Personally, I would like to see a moderate party emerge in this year. If it does, something positive will have come out of our struggles in 2008-09.
-- typo
-- Edited by Sanders on Thursday 14th of January 2010 09:44:13 AM
Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010 Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010
Hillary was the real deal, and I'll never get over it, because she did help women progress, and truly that was a feat in and of itself.
Shadow, you're not going to get banned here. And we respect your opinion, and your decision. We can sit here and dispute the differences between Sarah and Hillary. What happened when the tables got turned on them, and what their decisions were & are, career wise or otherwise, I'm through trying to be the analyzer, and I am tired of keeping score. I am not going to intervene and tell you what to do, or preach to you, or dismiss you in anyway what so ever. You are our sister, you are our friend.
In order to effect change, we need to be good listeners and communicators, otherwise women will not survive in politics. I've not spent my whole life in politics, but I've spent enough time during this election to know we need to change it, and we must do it together, if not this generation, then for the next.
So I urge you to stay with us, we've got plenty of work to do, and we need your help, and non of us want to take giant steps backwards, not now, and not ever again.
Hillary was the real deal, and I'll never get over it, because she did help women progress, and truly that was a feat in and of itself.
Shadow, you're not going to get banned here. And we respect your opinion, and your decision. We can sit here and dispute the differences between Sarah and Hillary. What happened when the tables got turned on them, and what their decisions were & are, career wise or otherwise, I'm through trying to be the analyzer, and I am tired of keeping score. I am not going to intervene and tell you what to do, or preach to you, or dismiss you in anyway what so ever. You are our sister, you are our friend.
In order to effect change, we need to be good listeners and communicators, otherwise women will not survive in politics. I've not spent my whole life in politics, but I've spent enough time during this election to know we need to change it, and we must do it together, if not this generation, then for the next.
So I urge you to stay with us, we've got plenty of work to do, and we need your help, and none of us want to take giant steps backwards, not now, and not ever again.
Very well said! I think if nothing else, we can agree that women deserve equality, and it's up to us to fight for it. I don't care who likes Sarah Palin and who doesn't, frankly. I do believe she'll run for a national position at some future date. At that time, I plan to educate myself as fully as possible about her beliefs, her views on the role of government, policy positions, competency, and on and on. If I it turns out that supporting her is consistent with my values and belief system, I'll vote for her - unless she's running against Hillary. If not, I won't. Regardless, I will fight against sexist treatment of her and/or any other candidate.
Truthfully, had she not have been treated so badly during the 2008 election, I wouldn't have been as drawn to her candidacy. I was never fired up about voting for McCain, and his selecting Palin as VP didn't do much to increase my excitement. I believed McCain was better than O, and I would not under any circumstances have voted for a Dem after their dishonorable conduct during the primary and toward Hillary in 2008.
I have adopted a wait and see attitude toward Sarah. I think she is still evolving as a political player, and may mature into an excellent, well qualiied candidate. The question is, for me at least, wheter she will turn out to be a conservative or a moderate candidate.
-- Edited by Building 4112 on Wednesday 13th of January 2010 11:23:32 PM
It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less. ~Susan B. Anthony
Hillary was the real deal, and I'll never get over it, because she did help women progress, and truly that was a feat in and of itself.
Shadow, you're not going to get banned here. And we respect your opinion, and your decision. We can sit here and dispute the differences between Sarah and Hillary. What happened when the tables got turned on them, and what their decisions were & are, career wise or otherwise, I'm through trying to be the analyzer, and I am tired of keeping score. I am not going to intervene and tell you what to do, or preach to you, or dismiss you in anyway what so ever. You are our sister, you are our friend.
In order to effect change, we need to be good listeners and communicators, otherwise women will not survive in politics. I've not spent my whole life in politics, but I've spent enough time during this election to know we need to change it, and we must do it together, if not this generation, then for the next.
So I urge you to stay with us, we've got plenty of work to do, and we need your help, and none of us want to take giant steps backwards, not now, and not ever again.
Very well said! I think if nothing else, we can agree that women deserve equality, and it's up to us to fight for it. I don't care who likes Sarah Palin and who doesn't, frankly. I do believe she'll run for a national position at some future date. At that time, I plan to educate myself as fully as possible about her beliefs, her views on the role of government, policy positions, competency, and on and on. If I it turns out that supporting her is consistent with my values and belief system, I'll vote for her - unless she's running against Hillary. If not, I won't. Regardless, I will fight against sexist treatment of her and/or any other candidate.
Truthfully, had she not have been treated so badly during the 2008 election, I wouldn't have been as drawn to her candidacy. I was never fired up about voting for McCain, and his selecting Palin as VP didn't do much to increase my excitement. I believed McCain was better than O, and I would not under any circumstances have voted for a Dem after their dishonorable conduct during the primary and toward Hillary in 2008.
I have adopted a wait and see attitude toward Sarah. I think she is still evolving as a political player, and may mature into an excellent, well qualified candidate. The question is, for me at least, whether she will turn out to be a conservative or a moderate candidate.
Very well put.
Thank you. This was helpful. I have been a bit disillusioned lately and had to hear from other Hillary supporters.
This is a good place to park it for now. In the meanwhile, I am very glad to be with supporters of Hillary Clinton and in a Hillary forum.
Again, thank you.
-- Edited by Sanders on Wednesday 13th of January 2010 10:53:43 PM
Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010 Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010
Shadow you won't be banned here. There is no Hillary bashing here nor is there Sarah bashing. Your not doing that I disagree with you Hillary said from day one that if she lost the Primary she would back Obama. She never not one time promised to back McCain or join a third party she promised to back Obama. That is what she did. Hillary the back stabber, Hillary the liar, Hillary the polorizing one proved that she was no liar no back stabber and not Polorizing. Although I am sad you feel the way you do I will warn you that Sarah may do the same thing. Politicians are people and they are politicans they are all bound to let you down.
I try to always think of the positive in terms of choices that Hillary has made since she was forced out of the Primary. As SOS she isn't part of this Healthcare Fiasco, Cap and Trade crap, and she can oversee and keep us moving in a positive direction internationally. Can you imagine if Biden was left alone to drive Foreign Policy with some weak persona in the State Department? He would probably address all Indian and Pakastani diplomats as future supporters of 7-11's and Dunkin' Donuts.
I hated the SOS gig at first for her, but now am so grateful that she is there.
As for Palin, I better not hear any rantings like Ann Coulter now that she is on Fox. I heard that she is going to be in charge of segments honoring courageous Americans and I think that will suit her. I don't watch O'Reilly but I don't believe he has been belitting Hillary, just Hannity (which doesn't surprise me a bit). I keep some tabs on Glen Beck and enjoy the segments when he has open dialog with Conservative African-Americans, but for the most part I think he is as sexist as many many of the male media types.
As for 2012 that is a lifetime away. Many things can happen before then. Sarah Palin will have to make it in the Pub Primaries vs. whatever men are in line. I don't agree 100% of either Palin or Clinton's policies, but I do want the next President to be a woman regardless if they are Dem or Pub.
This is where I think Hillary turned the crappy hand dealt to her into a winner. One of the biggest complaints I heard about Hillary is that she had no real international experience.
Well, that is issue is now solved with her SOS experience. She walks away "clean" from the far-left's nonsense in Congress...and don't think for a moment she didn't know the Dems were going to overplay their hand after the last election. They always do.
They can't say she wasn't a "team player" since she campaigned harder for Obama than Obama did in the GE, she walks away scot-free from the stench of this overreaching Congress, puts to rest the "no international experience" arguement....and now has the highest rating among the Dems in the polls.
Seems to me she is setting herself up quite well for a future run...especially with all the "buyers remorse" over Obama.
shadow, HMG is correct in what she says. That's what the primaries are about. Race WITHIN the party and they coalesce around the winner. Hard pill to swallow at times. But that's the way the parties work. It was not anything particular to Hillary, and she did say it all along, and repeatedly said it especially since March just in case her supporters did not hear it loud enough. That itself may have detracted some from voting for her in the primaries, but she was forthright about it. And yes, Sarah might do the same too.
If we do not like it, it is our issue with the system. The entire system of primaries and caucuses is messed up. It is a highly imperfect system.. but it is what we have got... and is not changing anytime soon.
Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010 Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010
I try to always think of the positive in terms of choices that Hillary has made since she was forced out of the Primary. As SOS she isn't part of this Healthcare Fiasco, Cap and Trade crap, and she can oversee and keep us moving in a positive direction internationally. Can you imagine if Biden was left alone to drive Foreign Policy with some weak persona in the State Department? He would probably address all Indian and Pakastani diplomats as future supporters of 7-11's and Dunkin' Donuts.
I hated the SOS gig at first for her, but now am so grateful that she is there.
As for Palin, I better not hear any rantings like Ann Coulter now that she is on Fox. I heard that she is going to be in charge of segments honoring courageous Americans and I think that will suit her. I don't watch O'Reilly but I don't believe he has been belitting Hillary, just Hannity (which doesn't surprise me a bit). I keep some tabs on Glen Beck and enjoy the segments when he has open dialog with Conservative African-Americans, but for the most part I think he is as sexist as many many of the male media types.
As for 2012 that is a lifetime away. Many things can happen before then. Sarah Palin will have to make it in the Pub Primaries vs. whatever men are in line. I don't agree 100% of either Palin or Clinton's policies, but I do want the next President to be a woman regardless if they are Dem or Pub.
This is where I think Hillary turned the crappy hand dealt to her into a winner. One of the biggest complaints I heard about Hillary is that she had no real international experience.
Well, that is issue is now solved with her SOS experience. She walks away "clean" from the far-left's nonsense in Congress...and don't think for a moment she didn't know the Dems were going to overplay their hand after the last election. They always do.
They can't say she wasn't a "team player" since she campaigned harder for Obama than Obama did in the GE, she walks away scot-free from the stench of this overreaching Congress, puts to rest the "no international experience" arguement....and now has the highest rating among the Dems in the polls.
Seems to me she is setting herself up quite well for a future run...especially with all the "buyers remorse" over Obama.
She most certainly has. Imagine that!
Obama more than alluded to her foreign experience as sipping tea in high society parlors. Well, look how she has proven him wrong... without once having to point to it.
As the sexist book has come out Clintons are not in defensive mode. Rather they are letting the nonsense fall on the face of the authors.
It is indeed a new game. Clintons have changed the way they are playing the game. And the authors are going to eat their words. Just you watch.
VH, you are spot on. She is the real winner in the strategy. There is really nowhere for the Dems nor the WH to point to for their own failures. She is proving that she works harder than anyone and is completely dedicated, articulate, great skilled and totally likeable. She has won the hearts of Obama's supporters and it is really no wonder at all that her ratings are as high. Hillary Clinton has emerged the ultimate winner in this.
-- Edited by Sanders on Thursday 14th of January 2010 12:56:46 AM
Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010 Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010
I try to always think of the positive in terms of choices that Hillary has made since she was forced out of the Primary. As SOS she isn't part of this Healthcare Fiasco, Cap and Trade crap, and she can oversee and keep us moving in a positive direction internationally. Can you imagine if Biden was left alone to drive Foreign Policy with some weak persona in the State Department? He would probably address all Indian and Pakastani diplomats as future supporters of 7-11's and Dunkin' Donuts.
I hated the SOS gig at first for her, but now am so grateful that she is there.
As for Palin, I better not hear any rantings like Ann Coulter now that she is on Fox. I heard that she is going to be in charge of segments honoring courageous Americans and I think that will suit her. I don't watch O'Reilly but I don't believe he has been belitting Hillary, just Hannity (which doesn't surprise me a bit). I keep some tabs on Glen Beck and enjoy the segments when he has open dialog with Conservative African-Americans, but for the most part I think he is as sexist as many many of the male media types.
As for 2012 that is a lifetime away. Many things can happen before then. Sarah Palin will have to make it in the Pub Primaries vs. whatever men are in line. I don't agree 100% of either Palin or Clinton's policies, but I do want the next President to be a woman regardless if they are Dem or Pub.
This is where I think Hillary turned the crappy hand dealt to her into a winner. One of the biggest complaints I heard about Hillary is that she had no real international experience.
Well, that is issue is now solved with her SOS experience. She walks away "clean" from the far-left's nonsense in Congress...and don't think for a moment she didn't know the Dems were going to overplay their hand after the last election. They always do.
They can't say she wasn't a "team player" since she campaigned harder for Obama than Obama did in the GE, she walks away scot-free from the stench of this overreaching Congress, puts to rest the "no international experience" arguement....and now has the highest rating among the Dems in the polls.
Seems to me she is setting herself up quite well for a future run...especially with all the "buyers remorse" over Obama.
Not to mention the fact that she has proven herself to be no liar. She said she would back Obama and she did. She didn't polorize anyone in fact her confirmation hearing is proof that she can play well with the Republicans.