Of course, those of us who supported Hillary Clinton in 2008 were painfully aware of the blatant pro-Obama media bias during the primary. Liberal MSM played a significant role in ensuring that the nomination rightfully won by Hillary was awarded to The One. Of course FOX, which claims to be Fair and Balanced (talk about your cognitive dissonance), even as they praise the philosophy of the Super Right, has repeatedly demonstrated its own bias. So, no real surprises here, but some interesting info. The Hill's 2010 Midterm Poll: Media has gotten more partisan, likely voters say By Shane D'Aprile - 10/20/10 08:58 PM ET
A majority of likely voters across 10 key congressional districts say the media have become more partisan in the past five years, according to a new poll from The Hill. The poll found that 51 percent of respondents think the press has turned either more partisan Republican or more partisan Democrat since 2005. Breaking that number down, 30 percent say the media are more biased in favor of Democrats, while 21 percent say the media are more biased in favor of Republicans.
Overall, 30 percent think the level of partisanship in the media has remained about the same. Among those who believe there has been a shift, both men and women in all age groups detect an increased bias toward Democrats. Black and Hispanic voters, on the contrary, believed the press has shifted to the right. (snip) http://thehill.com/house-polls/thehill-poll-week-3/125127-media-has-gotten-more-partisan-likely-voters-say-in-poll
It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less. ~Susan B. Anthony
The media bias is totally insane. It's a wonder anybody knows anything about what's going on in the world. If we didn't have the Internet, we'd be fcked.