In a move that should have progressive minded parents across the country and the world cheering, Disney last week said that they would no longer be producing fairy tale movies, and folks that means no more princess movies. No more big pink dresses, no more tiaras, no more waking up from long sleeps to find the man of your dreams standing there ready to sweep you off your feet.
Hooray, yeah. I hear all the parents sighing in relief of their daughters being set free from princessdom.
But there is one catch to this move.
It probably means that we will see very few if any films about girls coming from Disney and Pixar which are both under the same umbrella.
The part that pisses me off the most is that Disney of all places, is totally playing into this perverse cultural construct that boys won’t go see movies about girls and girls will go to movies about boys. If boys won’t be encouraged and challenged (even though I have no idea why it is such a challenge) to see a movie about a girl how the hell do we have any hope for the future of women in film. It should be all of our jobs — including the filmmakers — to show that this is not true, because really, guys, is this the world you want your daughters and sons growing up in?
I disagree. I think that is political correctness gone amuk. Children need their fantasy worlds, they need their imagination and they need to be allowed to be children. They grow up to fast as it is. I loved these movies growing up, I don't think it does any harm, and cheating kids out of their childhood is just wrong.
I think the princess phenomenon is harmful if those are the ONLY images and characters that girls (and boys) get to see or if they take that stuff too seriously. But children's movies and books are filled with smart, spunky female characters-- from Jo March to Alice in Wonderland to Pippi Longstocking to Beezus & Ramona to Hermione Grainger-- who are interested in a lot more than looking pretty or snagging a prince.