Hillarysworld -> Obama and Congress -> House Continuing Resolution Would Prevent Deep Cuts in Families Assisted by Low-Income Housing Programs (12/9/10)
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TOPIC: House Continuing Resolution Would Prevent Deep Cuts in Families Assisted by Low-Income Housing Programs (12/9/10)
The full-year continuing resolution that the House of Representatives approved yesterday includes funding increases for the current fiscal year (2011) for three housing programs that play an important role in alleviating hardship and reducing homelessness among low-income families: the Housing Choice (“Section 8”) Voucher Program, the Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance program, and homeless assistance grants. The proposed increases in the level of funding for the first two programs are needed not to expand the programs but to prevent sharp reductions in the number of families assisted; the additional homeless assistance funding would help local agencies respond to increases in hardship as a result of the deep, prolonged economic downturn. Funding for most other low-income housing and community development programs would remain frozen at the 2010 levels under the resolution.
The Senate is expected to consider funding legislation as early as today. Indications are that the Senate will first attempt to pass a separate “omnibus” funding bill that would include modified versions of the 12 regular funding bills that the House and Senate appropriations committees have approved.[ii] If the Senate fails to approve the omnibus, it will consider the House-passed continuing resolution described above, which would fund programs through September 30, 2011.
Hillarysworld -> Obama and Congress -> House Continuing Resolution Would Prevent Deep Cuts in Families Assisted by Low-Income Housing Programs (12/9/10)