On the eve of the SOTU, Chris Matthews was back on familiar ground: demeaning women in power. Matthews’s latest target: Representative Michele Bachmann. In fact, Matthews got so wound up in his misogyny that he lost his composure and control. He referred to Representative Bachmann as a “balloon head” three times; referred to her as “this woman” five times (foregoing the proper salutation of Congresswoman or Representative), and just for good measure, used an alleged quote from Stephen Schmidt: “She doesn’t know anything.”
That’s in a span of three minutes. Honestly, how is this women-hatred tolerated by MSNBC without rebuke?
Matthews is one thing. He’s a known sexist pig. It’s not misogyny based on political party. Recall, Matthews referred to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as “She Devil,” “Nurse Ratched,” “Madame Defarge.” No, Matthews has a familiar pattern: he purposefully strikes out at any woman who is rising in power.
But Matthews is not alone. In recent years, we have had three women who expressed (or did not deny) an interest in holding the highest office in our land: Secretary Clinton, Governor Sarah Palin and Representative Bachmann. In each case, the media (largely the progressive media) has gone on a witch hunt to take them down.
The plot line is always the same: create a caricature of the woman and destroy her public image. If the facts don’t quite fit, make them up. Create a story line to advance a simple notion: no woman will ever make it to the highest office on our media’s watch!
Well, not so fast. Perhaps Representative Bachmann is on to something. She, like Sarah Palin, is taking power, not waiting for it to be granted. She’s not trying to be a “good girl.” She is advancing on her own terms — giving the male-dominated media and political party system the ole end-around. The notion of which drives the establishment crazy.
I may not agree with Matthews on much, especially his digs at Hillary, but this chick Bachman is dangerous and repulsive. I can't stand her. If this is the best the Republicans can come up with they might as well just dig a hole and climb in. She needs to be stopped before she gains any more traction. Why the Republicans are so afraid of her is beyond me. They need to marginalize her and do it quickly.